Designed by Bariatric Patients

Contains Multivitamin, Iron, Calcium, B12 and Vitamin D

With Bariease Complete taking all your required vitamins is no longer an issue. Once a day and you're done. Take from day one post operation.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why Bariease?

  • Why do we need a special multivitamin?

    Deficiency is very common after WLS. The bypass and sleeve both reduce absorption due to decreased hydrochloric acid in the new stomach, as well as in the portion of the intestine bypassed during the gastric bypass.

    In addition, the body gets less time to convert vitamins into a form that can be used after WLS. this is because the stomach empties more quickly.

    Powder vitamins are absorbed much more quickly than in tablet form. This allows more vitamin absorption.

  • What happens if i dont take a Bariatric Multivitamin?

    Studies have shown that long term damage from malabsorption in Bariatric patients is as much as 73%

    Post-bariatric anaemia is in most cases due to iron deficiency, along with vitamin B12 deficiency as a secondary cause. Iron deficiency, caused by low serum ferritin, occurs in more than 30% of patients after 5 years post surgery.

  • Why a Powder?

    When taking vitamins in capsule or tablet form, your body has to do the work of breaking them down into a fine powder before absorbing the vitamins into the bloodstream. When you take a liquid or powder form mixed with water, you’ve already done all the work.

    The body absorbs these vitamins much more quickly and efficiently in this form.

  • No one wants to take lots of tablets.

    Bariatric patients can take up to 10 tablets per day. These have to spaced out throughout the day as calcium can't be taken with iron, and gastro protectors can't be taken before vitamins. Couple this with not being able drink straight after food, it can be a nightmare trying to fit them all in!

    Our specially designed formula can be taken in one hit, with no problems.

Ready to get boosted by Bariease?

Trying our Daily Bariatric Powder is risk-free, affordable and easy.